Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the latest technique introduced by Mr. Rohit Bhargava and its gaining popularity each day. SMO tactics can attract a lot of visitors to a website through new channels because search engines are the only sites that drive big traffic.
SMO implements relevant changes to optimize your site and hence your site can be more easily linked to and made visible in social media searches. The benefits of SMO are - it can increase your links, make tagging and bookmarking simpler and reward inbound links. Social media accepts different forms including text, images, audio, and video. Some of the most popular social media are Blogs, message boards and podcasts.
One important aspect of SEO is to increase your linkability. Creating a blog can be a big step but there are other ways like creating white papers, thought pieces, or simply aggregating content into a useful format. Please make sure that the pages include relevant tags, suggested notes for a link which should appear automatically when you tag a site. First, make sure to tag the pages on popular social book marking sites including the homepage. Inbound links are the barometer for a blog or website as they are absolutely critical for success in search results.
Unlike SEO, SMO is notabout making changes to a site but submitting content to relevant sites which will help your content to travel forward, and drive links back to your site. SMO techniques can be easily understood and used by anyone who has a site online. SMOs are designed to promote contents, encourage conversation, links and strengthen site traffic.
For more information, contact us at Or send us a request for free Link building Quote.